Hark! Can you hear the horn blow?
Ok, Ok, less like horns and more like bagpipes...I just wish I remembered some of those crazy lyrics. I am working at SA now, but it's for the same company, go figure, and I am liking the slack job. All the merchandise is a scanned and registers are touch screens. Nice huh, yeah, and there's no counting change, it comes out in an automatic dispenser. the easy life. Though it is busy, and the little punks that come in piss me off. I just don't understand, where is the ghetto of White Bear and why does Elvis sing about one? Any way, new job, new girl, and new start date. Yeah why does school have to start so soon? So here it is... I am pumped about this. She, Lindsey, likes quoting office space and spaceballs. She was a major help in cleaning while I was running my company, (which as a side note went very well but I wasn't as prepared like I should have been.) She is always excited about gaming on Friday, and she total digs me. Yes, this is cool. Oh and she's a really good rp'er, really gets into the characters. So I bored you about work, school and Lindsey I think the next thing is ren fest witch will be at the bottom of every post in a section called R.F.U. or Ren Fest Updates. As far as updates are concerned I don't have any at the moment. I don't know if I told ya'll that I did a little leg work and the weekend after school is labor day weekend, which has spaghetti eating contests. Yet I think it might be better suited to moved to the week after reason 1) free beer! reason 2) look to reason 1. And finally I think we might all be a bit driven out, and the daunting 6 hour drive one way might be a little much that first weekend. Please give me some feed back. --Fly Free--