right, so this is a bit upsetting. I found the reason why I was unable to gain access. It trainspires in the hostale take-over of all things by the corperate big wigs; they found it just (in their infinate wisdom) to demand from me more work! Like we all don't have enough of that. It's preposterous, create a new mail acount. I can hardly remember all my passwords as it is. I do update so very infrequently, but no more. They, (the proverbial they), have infused me with enough displeasure that I feel it is my dubty to rant. But enough of this. It's seven in the morning and I can't spell. So I am going to bed, but I will warn those out there to expect me on the horizan. (hopefully in more blogs than one.) Just to let you all know, I have a few stories that I am working on, and have been for some time. Though there are only 2 that have been in the long run, the rest have been scrapt at this point in time and I hope to expound on a few that I have been working on; spicificly: The King of Serpents, and How the Eagle Lost His Crown. They are to be a part of my new summer initative which includes the following.
3-5: short children type pieces
1-2: works of extended fiction (haveing mutiple sections, but still not a novel)
1: novel type thing, though only 100 pages expected
5-10: short stories of no more than three pages
I havn't had a lot of time these past few mounths, haveing a GF saps a lot of time (amoung other things) but no more. I endevor to step away from my comuter, and focus on the inner muse rather than the static reality of video games. And while I may not complete the subsantial list of works that I have clammed I will write; I do know this. That progress can never come from still hands. But I can't see anymore, I say good by.
grubbsy! You're still alive!
we ought to play some world of warcraft sometime, buddy.
grubbs...I shall be triumphantly returning to bemidji for about a week as of August should try and visit during that time.
if you're still alive.
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