Thursday, November 18, 2004

Wow, been a while

Hey all, sorry about not writing for a long time. It turn out that peanut butter does not go well with marmalade skies, or boys for that matter. Hachacha. Any who, I have a few projects in the works and hope to advance them both here and in club. Unfortunately I have not decided weather to pursue the graveyard gothic scenario or move to a lighter more comical application. But, I should have something up by this weekend. I shall not be put down by contemporary authors who have more grandiose material, and more material in general. I shall fight on. Oh, I almost forgot.
Lindsey, I miss you, and can't wait to see you. Five days and I will be with you and ... un-orange. I can only imagine the lecherous sun gazing enviously at the illumination of your grace and beauty. How I miss your warm smile, your warm skin, how I want to hold you so tight once again. But I shall wait on baited breath until the day of Tue, until that far away night that I will be (dramatic pause) with you right, we'll leave it there for now.

-=Live Free, Write Free, Write to Live, Live to Write=-
This is my Manifesto


At November 22, 2004 at 1:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey babe! I now have a blog account so I may write to you. My name is YAY!

My comment is on the wonderful comments you made about my appearance. The only thing I have to say is that you must not remember seeing me in the morning. hehehe


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