Monday, August 23, 2004

It's that time again....time again to wear potatos in our pants, no. Time for another post. It has been awile and I did far less writing then I would have liked. Far less being nothing substantial. Of course I worte some stuff for campains and I tried to start a few stories. But, nothing, so I awiat school with eager anticipation, hoping against hope that I shall gat out of this slump. IF not that, then another round of intermediate writing will certainly jostle lose my cob webs. Other than that I am doing well. Lindsey and I celibrate out one mounth anivercery today, yay! Though our time togeather grows sader as school aproches. I havn't started packing or even shoping for school. Though I can't stop bying things or thinking about renfest. If Jesse and Sabrina can hear this congrats! I hope your continued future togeather is full of roses and many sucsessful campains. He, he great games Haza! I am finaly done for a while at the gas station and it is a good thing. The area is getting a facelift, a new superwalmart is going in where the old mall used to be. because of this new shops and stores are going up in the area as well. But to do this, the city of sait anthony has dacided to close down 37th streat. just enough so pepople can not get in and out of the store with out driving through the cub parking lot or the "old taco bell building", wow that is great to say. Both routes do also include a bumpy ride on poorly put togeather dirt roads. The woo was not made for dirt, it was made in Koria! Any way, we now get the greatest anoiying question of all time, "How do I get out of her now?" To which if you reply "The same way you got in" people will be offended. I don't know why. That makes sence to me. any way, I am done with that crap for two more samesters, as long as I can keep my act togeather. Which my parents are beeing really cool about, but still it nags every time we talk. so, I endevor to do better this year, and hopfuly break my patern of lazyness. For what it's worth, thanks for reading, I hope to see you all real soon. -fly free- R.F.U.: So here it is. I think we are stuck with the whole labor day weekend thing, yet my parents are totally cool with it. That is having folks stay at my place. My cloak is nearing compleation, and thing are shaping up to be rather spiffy. It's good to be the king.


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