Thursday, November 18, 2004

Sci-fi Teaser

So I've decided it put this little thing up, mostly because my computer can't print and I am too lazy to use a disc.

The massive federation transport passed overhead lifting Devon's hair and Mortimer's toupee. It was almost reminiscent of a time when Diotame had warm coastal breezes and fields of grass swaying in the wind. That was Before the federation got too big, when Hari'llon was a small and insignificant planet. But it was significant to them. This was a peaceful city, at least it used to be.

What once were family shops and open air markets now are seedy bars and dirty brothels. A city once so pure and clean now is the port, the chief space port in all of Hari'llon. Massive buildings and fueling yards have arisen from the ashes of the clean city they once knew, now just a distant memory slowly fading away. Companies and crime lords rise and fall, but the memories are there. Maybe not as strong as they used to be, but those memories are the only thing left of the city they once grew up in.

Devon looked over with a melancholy expression. "Well Mortimer, it was once ours."
"It sure has gone down hill." Mortimer replied with out looking up.
"Yep, I remember when.." And then he paused reflectively as a bar stool promptly crashed through a near-by window and smeared his little old man body all over the pavement. His friend's sudden death was such a shock to Mortimer that he didn't see the broken bottle flying toward the back of his head. As he fell to the ground screaming, his blood pooling around him, his last thoughts reflected the past and what could possibly bring about this turn of events that lead to his premature but not terribly unexpected demise.

Wow, been a while

Hey all, sorry about not writing for a long time. It turn out that peanut butter does not go well with marmalade skies, or boys for that matter. Hachacha. Any who, I have a few projects in the works and hope to advance them both here and in club. Unfortunately I have not decided weather to pursue the graveyard gothic scenario or move to a lighter more comical application. But, I should have something up by this weekend. I shall not be put down by contemporary authors who have more grandiose material, and more material in general. I shall fight on. Oh, I almost forgot.
Lindsey, I miss you, and can't wait to see you. Five days and I will be with you and ... un-orange. I can only imagine the lecherous sun gazing enviously at the illumination of your grace and beauty. How I miss your warm smile, your warm skin, how I want to hold you so tight once again. But I shall wait on baited breath until the day of Tue, until that far away night that I will be (dramatic pause) with you right, we'll leave it there for now.

-=Live Free, Write Free, Write to Live, Live to Write=-
This is my Manifesto