Monday, April 11, 2005

Modern Art

Everyone knows I am a dork. I am known for having a fondness for things that most don't. Needless to say, I find my self channel surfing between cartoons often. Subsequently, the Disney channel has become one of the staples of my routine. Why do I bring this up? I was watching a commercial for Disney's radio stations and marveling in it. Not because I am found of animals singing in human voices, well maybe I am. But, I was certainly not marveling at the commercial for the quality of the singing and the quaintness. No, I was marveling at the marketing. The careful planning, the regurgitation of repetitive pop, the audience tested and parents approved final product. I knew this advertisement was the brain child of a low-level marketing employee. The credit was taken by a higher-level executive and an even higher-level executive took credit for it claiming it was part of his new "Out of the Box" approach. Like his self-led seminars that he subjected his underlings to lead to this out come. This commercial helped maintain Disney's hold over the entertainment business and keep America running the way it is. It assisted keeping jobs in America and was "family friendly". In short I was thinking like a Republican and it scared me. Not that I have anything against Republicans. They do their job and I do mine. By my age group and beliefs I am required to be a Democrat and rather like it. There are many things in the Democratic platform that I agree with. But, when it comes to more real world issues I find my self cheering for the Republicans to get a grip. Their president elect and the congress under him are taking the federal government in a more active role. I know that's not proper grammar, but I can't remember what is at the moment. Interjecting in certain recent events that will remain unnamed was not the place of the government and maybe indicative of something much more traumatic. Bush, in seeking to close the gap, may infact cross it. And so I and indeed the other 49% are reminded of the phrase we asked the rest of you, "what the fsck?"

Anyway, I decide to take a step back and look at like a should, a struggling and unqualified writer. I found myself puzzled by it, or by my fondness for it rather. I know it held relatively no emotional representation, no overall message about the creator or the society s/he lives in. From what I could tell it held no artistic value of any kind, even marketing singing animals was done before my Quiznos. (I think that's the right spelling) Anyway, my point is this: I found my analysis of the commercial reflecting myself more than the commercial. And if this is the case, then maybe all written and verbal analysis are indicative of the author/speaker rather then the subject. Why then do we get so hot-headed in arguments? How can we stand by our convictions knowing that the "Facts" are really just a series of things we believe in? Certainly some can be quantified or qualified my modern science and record keeping. Yet still, a large number of "facts" are just to the contrary, opinions and personal values. Knowing this, what does that mean? Nothing, no grad knowledge or realization can of this. I am not the first person to think of this or write it. So what does it mean? Maybe, that the realization that this thought came to me is enough. Maybe that since I now have more first had experience and know myself better, I can come to terms with the world around me. And then I realize why I like marketed, regurgitated crap, because it's excapeism. And I am back a square one, oh well.
May the Muse smile upon you all

Sunday, April 03, 2005


So I did a foolish thing the other day and quite pleased with it. I mailed my little (16) brother by identification so he could go clubbing with this girl that he really likes, "She's smoken' Matt!". Now it wasn't my picture I.D. because my brother and I look nothing alike. Instead I mailed him, his idea, my pre 21 papers. He said he didn't even use it and had a wonderful time. He also said that he appreciated my word of wisdom. Which just goes to prove the reason I am so good with kids is their gullibility. No, that mean. What I meant to say is this. I really enjoy instructing young adults, especially when they listen. This are looking up as I prepare for a game in my history class. It's role playing and I am doing what I can to help out my the folks in my group, in motivation, research etc. And I'm loving it. They are learning and hopefully having a good time and I am glad I am in the education field. I am planning to even talk to my instructor to see if I can lead a game, with the help of Jack and Steve hopefully. This would help me encourage role-playing, increase my grade and stick it to Greg. Who is a history Major, you all know him, he is always hunched over, has an opinion on absolutely every thing and boisterous leading toward insulting to every one he knows. Well maybe not everyone he knows but certainly to his peers. He is worst of all a leatist who looks down on others for being "pretentious." (paraphrasing here) For example he has qualms with Dr. Gurney and his Fo British accent. Also, he points out that I might be as well for smoking a pipe. While this might be true on a subconscious level its not on a level that I want to admit and so I fervently deny it. So, in conclusion, a point against Greg is a point for the home team; any home team. I can only hope that with this new opportunity for my personal expantion it will help me profetionaly and spiritualy as I try to come to grips with the future and one day growing up. Any way, got to run. May the Muse bless you all.