Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fan Art

Well, for starters it looks like I wont be getting back to the story any time soon. I am sorry to those who bothered to read the filth. I'm planing to talk about art but I do want to digress and say sorry to twag. Who, for those of you who read the comment on my previous post, was in a right state of anger with me over an evening drinking. Though thankfully he has forgiven me and the frat dood who caused him to spill over with drama has sence appologized. I will not go into details about that evening, I will say that Angel has revoked my bar visits and I am a little sad about this :(

Now, as far as the art is concerned, I am impressed. I often find my computer acting up, and know it is need for a good wipe. This is because I constently google images of fan art. I try to look at the artist at least, or write the name down at least. Thereby showing some repect for the person or persons responible for these drawings. Some of them are crap and some are really good. Some of them are done by kids who have great potential and others are drawn by perverted men who get kicks by drawing chics in chain mail. Even though you put a pair of pointy ears on here she still nude! Some of the perportions are quite acurate and some are obviously from a limited data base. *ohh, burn* But I still admire the effort. It floors me everytime I do a search and find something new and amazing. I think I know a few folks who do it too, but I have no idea what thier handles are. The talent blows me away, and some are far from perfect, but drawn by 14 year old kids, come on that's cool!

My point is that there is talent, insperation, art all around, and we turn a blinde eye to it, because its not professional. Yeah, I would get cheesed off if someone took my word out of context and clamed them as thier own. However, I think my writting style (shifting and full of errors) leaves clues to who I am and what I beleive. I only hope that Someone can take a look at what I have written and say, gee that neet, I want to draw to that, or play to that or even, "I can write that better, this idiot did it all wrong." Truth be told consistency has never been one of my strong points, or humor for that matter sorry folks, but I do yurn to do a little insperation. Call it greed of glamor or what you will (he he, shakespeare joke) but insperation has always been my driving goal.

It is said you can tell when a person is talking to you, and when that same person is talking to hear thier own voice, the same can be true about writing. Most folks just want to be published to get their thoughts and believes out there, to hell weither people want to hear them or not. I suppose that is the benifit of the blog, but that's not my point. I want to write in such a way that it moves folks, that they can see what I am describing, feel the emotion. I don't want to get bogged in detail. Sometimes too much detail is too much detail after all, kinda akin to something Froyd said once, "Damn it, Grubbs. Use a spell checker for Christsake. And have transition, gezz your worse then my students and that's saying something!" Though truth be told Master Froyd would never speak ill of his students and I feel that criticism is his way of encuraging proper writing technieques.

So the question is this, what do I plan to write. I have a few idea's that are running through my head, each worse then the last and each more difficult to express. Though I would really like to find an artist and do a bit of scripting for a comic or some such thing it is a futile hope. If stories are about people scripts are doubly so. They only consits of people and while your field is a little more limited as an auther the artist can do so much more. After all a picture is worth a thousand letters or something like that. Its like something I was reading in Megatokyo(work of fred gallagher) "The human face has its own, subtle language for communicating emotion, and its a language we all understand. we are all very sensitive to it. People will notice even the most subtle changes in a person's face, even is that person is a drawing..." (, #0779) [I hope that is enough for Fred not to sue me :]

But I should wrap this up soon. My point is there are a lot of talinted people and I just wish I went to greater lengths to find them. Perhaps one day when I am not so nieve and I have a little more abiliy I can meet these fine folks. Until such time please do not get upset if you see your drawing or scetch duplicated. Consider it isperation, I know I have written to tons of pics I have found on the net, nothing durty of course. And even though you don't get reconized now or you havn't sold your art for millions of dollars to upscail NewYorkers, know this. There should be respect in the artist comunity, encuragement and even a little mixing :D So go out and do what you do, crazy art folk and I will be admiring your work, your effort, your contrabution, your donation of insparation. Keep at it, and enjoy the ride.


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