Thursday, July 21, 2005

Misspelled and mismanaged

Some say magic is finite. That it was brought into being when the world was created and there is no more and no less then that level. Other say that when magic dies it is reborn in a different way. Not better or worse, just different. But I know they are all wrong. I am magic an magic is me.

Jack Stevens had an every day life. Blonde, tall, rather thin. He always had the same grungy flannel and jeans out fit. His parents begged him to change it, but that was a long time ago. Now Jack spent his time working at a convenience store during the night. He always hoped he could save up enough money for some schooling. But, for those just above the fringe a stable job was more then enough. But, Jack didn't think so. He would mop and wonder how he could change the world. Young men often try to effect the world in their own way, to leave a mark of their existence. For those with the right connections and enough money that task is easily achievable. For other it is a different matter all together.
"careful where your mopping son!" Jack looked up from his day dreaming at the elderly man that walked into the store. They always seemed to come in ten minutes to close and full of anger at the younger generations. Mr. Morgan was no exception. "And what do I keep telling you Jack?"
"I don't know what do you keep telling me Mr. Morgan?"
"That it is best to wait for this kind of tasks until everyone has left."
"I just wanted to get an early start so I could get home a little sooner." Jack said this while looking at his laces. He wasn't intimidated by Mr. Morgan but he knew the old man would appreciate it more if he had something to complain about. Sure enough a soft smile cracked Mr. Morgan's cracked face. "Listen, Jack, there is all the time in the world for someone as young as you. Who knows, perhaps something will come along a change your life forever."
Jack hoped he was talking about romance and passion. He did more then his fare share of staring and stuttering and felt that any kind of change would be a good change. There was this particular girl, Julia, flowing auburn hair and always smartly dressed. But, that was another unreachable dream. He was stuck where he was. It wasn't until Mr. Morgan cleared his throat that Jack looked up to realized the mop water was getting all over Mr. Morgan's shoes. "Sorry, about that, really, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about, it happens, just keep your mind focused, patience. You will change the world one day."
Jack look after him as Mr. Morgan walked up the the counter to by his straits or "death torpedoes" as Mr. Morgan liked to call them. Patience, ha, that's laughable. Nothing is going to change, Jack thought as he finished mopping. At least I don't think anything will change. ______________________________________________
Jack got up the next day with an ache in his back from mopping and an ache in his libido. He didn't really care about his own dreams, that even if he could make somebody else's life better it was worth it you know. He told this to Rebecca as he got his coffee over on third and Grand. "I know it's a hopeless case, but some kind of change would be good." Rebecca merely smiled at him warmly.
She had vibrant blue eyes, the kind you could get lost in if you didn't catch yourself and the kind of softness that would melt a lions heart. Which, incidentally, she bore a striking resemblance to. He once blonde hair was died pitch black, except around the edges and bangs which were blood red. People said that eye brow and lip pircing were unnerving but Jack liked them. They brought here down to his level and besides who wants to be associated with a hypocritical class. They looked down on her and she didn't seem to care one bit. She just went about her business and didn't mind the looks. The stalker she could do without but being pieced, tattooed and defiant didn't mean she was easy, just determined to know who you where,and not what golf club you had a membership to. Jack always thought that was a bit noble and kind of fetching.
" I don't know why you are feeling so down about this." She said patting his arm. Jack felt a shiver go up his arm and down his spine. Rebecca obvious sensed this and retreated to behind her counter. "One day you will make a big impression, wait and see."
"How?" Jack said to his cup of coffee as it merely sat there getting colder. Black as the night he surrounded himself in. Rebecca looked up from whipping the counter and looked at him earnestly, sizing him up. "You will make somebody's dream come true."
"Yeah," Jack chuckled lightly, "and who's dream is that." There was a pause as Rebecca thought about this for a while. "I don't know, but you will know it when you meet them."This encouragement is why Jack came here, it warmed him up the way coffee never could. A mischievous smile crossed his face as he looked up at her. "Well then, what is your dream?"
"Acting," she said bluntly and when off to help a newly arrived customer.
Jack sat a moment staring at his coffee which was completely cold and tasteless, which did help it. No matter how he looked at it, Macedonian Almond Deluxe wasn't a name for a cup of coffee, It would better suit a combo band, some sort of emo thing. Jack chuckled to himself picturing the part goth, part punk, part Christen pop group as they say sang their number one title, "I'm nuts for the Lord." Jack dumped the coffee in the trash and was about to walk out the door when Rebecca called to him. "Jack, I'm serious, if you know any connections, let me know.""Will do," and Jack gave a little wave as he left thinking if he had any connections why in the hell would he still be working at the gas station.
As the door shut Rebecca looked down at the sizable tip Jack often left either out of interest or apathy. She didn't know why she never just gave Jack her number, she never felt he had eyes for her. I could try though, she thought. It wouldn't hurt to try, next time. Rebecca walked acrossed to the counter and turned up the light music station.
"We are all in a shell.
just waiting,
waiting to be cracked.
Uuuuh, uuuh, uuuh.
And we don't ever
wanta go back.
Uuuuh, uuuh, uuuh.
'Cause we're Nutts
Nutts for The Lord."


At July 22, 2005 at 11:45 PM, Blogger Froyd said...


I really liked the song at the end though.


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